TIS: A Team Approach. 澳門國際學校:團隊式合作

By Nick Chignall, Elementary Vice Principal To run a highly functioning school that fosters student learning and is a safe, caring and welcoming environment takes more than teachers and administrators. What it takes is a team of dedicated professionals from multiple fields and specialties to ensure we operate to the…

Gratitude – Why Teachers are the BEST humans

By Amanda Kiat, Elementary Vice Principal The last 6 weeks have been full of challenges for our entire TIS family as we have had to adjust to online learning. Through this process, I have reflected a lot about what makes a great teacher, and why teachers are so integral to…

Online Learning – There Are Advantages!

By Lorne Schmidt, Secondary School Principal Schools in many parts of Asia have been forced to close classrooms and schools due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak at the end of January 2020. These measures have put schools in the unique position of offering full-time online instruction so that student…


By Mary Anne Jasinski, Elementary Principal What is it? Self-regulation is: the ability to control one’s behavior, thoughts and emotions in purposeful and socially acceptable ways in order to be a happy, contributing member of your family and community. behavioral, meaning actively demonstrating self control and ignoring impulses to attend…

A Much Needed Break

By Martin Brown, High School Vice Principal As we return from the holidays, refreshed and recharged, it can be valuable to reflect on how important this time away is for the wellness of staff and students. We are very fortunate to have breaks throughout the year that allow us to…
Conference Highlights