Seedlings Planting and App Creating

This morning, we planted seedlings of mangroves trees which we collected in the field on Tuesday. In order to plant them, we divided our plastic containers into four sections and filled the containers with soil, and then put seedlings inside each of the sections. We made sure to add lots…

Mong-Ha Eco-Center

We went to Mong-Ha Eco-Center and learned some information about Dengue Fever, rodent control, and the recycling systems used in Macao.  Staff members there also showed us how to plant mint, which helps repel mosquitos, and we each planted our own to take home! We learned how to make recycled…

Jewelry-making Fun

This afternoon, we had the opportunity to design and create jewelry with the help of Ms. Cristina. We chose our own patterns and jewelry pieces, applied resin, and now we wait for our final products to cure. Thanks to Ms. Smith-Dale for your help today!