After the students put in a hard work day and the creativity rests, the 3D printers keep on working.


Team Name: Handymen Purpose: Build a Raptor Reloaded Right Hand for the unfortunate soul in Serbian Kosovo We finished printer everything today with our 3D printer affectionately named Cynthia, but Chief Builder Wa Chi is about finish assembling the final stages of the build during the time we are writing…


Hello guys, our group have Marco, Sam, Sunny and Jerry. Marco is the designer who responsible for all the designing of the 3D hand in laptop, the computer program he type will enters a 3D printer and print a hand for us . Marco also need to be careful about…

Day 5

March 18, our group went to the N Seoul Tower. I have been there before, so I am not really interested. Next, we went lunch, after lunch. We went to Samsung company, we tried their new technology, I really enjoy it, it was fun. After, we went to the Lotte…

Day 5

First, Today we have went to visit the Gyeongbokgung palace, it is the traditional palace in South Korea. It built in 1395, Gyeongbokgung Palace is also commonly referred to the Northern Palace because it's location is furthest north when compared to the neighboring palaces of Eastern Palace and Western Palace.…

Day 3

Today was the third day of our korea trip, our destinations were the wine cellar and Ewha women's university district. Our premium goal at the Ewha women's university district was to shop! After lunch we were released to stroll around the district on our own, but in opinion two hours…

Day 3

Bono's blog Today we went to a unique wine cellar. Got a chance to package our very own wine bottle. We also went to the shopping areas around a campus of ShinCuan LiHua university. Our last destination was the Fanta-stick show that was near our dinner place. Everyone is satisfied…

Day 3

Today was very interesting. We visited the wine cellar and experienced an unique experience with locally brewed wine. After was a good shopping spree that many of the students enjoyed. It was a exciting trip with everyone. Nice haircut Mr.Voykin. Mike

Day 3

今日我們參加了很多不同既活動。當中令我最深刻既係在梨花女子大學的商業街既時間,因為作為一個男生能夠見識女校是一件光榮既事,同埋阿Dom講既關於北韓既文化同生活方式都十分之有趣。 Marco  

Day 3

Korea Traditional Grape Wine This morning, all of us went to the SANMEORU farm for a visit. Each of us had to take an individual photo for pasting it on the wine bottle that we made afterwards. We entered into the wine cellar. An exciting thing was that all of…