Last dive

Today we leave the island and head to Cebu. Everyone did an excellent job and we have a ton of new graduates from their Open Water course. Everyone also passed their Advanced Open Water Course. Have a look at all these happy students!

Day 6: Shark Dive

  Today was an early start with a wake up call at 4:30am. A few of us were a little sleepy and a few of us missed the alarm going off at 4:30am. But everyone made it to the boat for 5am. We got to watch a beautiful sunrise as…

Day 5: Take it Easy

It was a relaxing day. Today was a chance to sleep in and catch up on sleep. Our day started at noon with lunch and a presentation on the famous Thrasher Sharks. Then we all went out to the boats for our first dive of the day.  It was another…

Day 4: Calanggaman Island

What an island! A beautiful sand bar out in the ocean. Near this island is a wall dive that is so full of life and colour. It was another amazing day underwater. The sky was blue and the sun was strong which gave us excellent visibility. I think everyone enjoyed…

Day 3: Thrasher Shark Dive

This morning was an early start with a 4am wake up and on the dive boat at 5am. The advance divers were off to see if we could find any Thrasher Sharks. It was a beautiful sunrise and all divers were lucky today. We saw 2 Thrasher Sharks and 2…

Day 1: Arrived to Malapascua

Team Cebu has arrived to the dive resort. We had a fun ferry ride from Cebu with a refreshing sea breeze and occasional spray!

On our way!

Team Cebu made it to the airport and have boarded the plane. Courtney says, "can't wait to sleep on the plane!" Roma says, "let's get this trip started!" Ms. Mak says, "wow, we made it!"