Great buffet dinner

After our first day of skiing we were treated with an amazing buffet. The seafood was a hit. Especially the oysters!

Day 1 of snowboarding! (Ally and Verena)

After our glorious beauty sleep and the extravagant breakfast buffet, we have freshened up from the 12-hour traveling! It was time for us to test our skills and take up a new challenge- snowboarding! Putting on our snowboard gear (eg. brilliant butt pads, glamorous goggles, wonderful waterproof jacket... Etc) we…

Day 1 Experience

It feels good to see and experience snow again! First day of skiing was amazing, as we got taught by an instructor and took turns practicing the new skills we learned. Although we are tired from all the skiing, it was certainly an enjoyable day today!!From Constance and Sofia :)

Snow leopard camp

Another early start, 5:30am and team India rolled from Delhi up to Haridwar, and on to Rikishesh. We arrived at camp and had a delicious lunch prepared by the staff, played an impromptu soccer game and settled into camp. We went on a hike in the valley and got to…

Back to School

Hello blog followers,This morning the grade 9s went on their community outreach trip to a local Cambodian school.After sitting in on one of the elementary school classes, our group was asked to teach a brief lesson to the class they were in. After overcoming their nerves, our students got the…

Thrills and Grills

Day 2 in Seoul saw the high school students take over Everland, a theme park very much similar to Ocean Park, but without all the sea life. Fortunately, after yesterday's full menu, everyone was tuckered out and able to catch some zzzzzzz's before our 10 am departure to the park.…

Day Three: Lots of sights!!!!

Day ThreeAfter a lovely breakfast, we got started on the day. Our first stop was the Kremlin.   We saw the outside of Putin's office, the Cathedral of the Dormition, the Cathedral of the Annunciation, and the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. This also brought us to the quote of the…

Day 2

Day 2! Today we checked out of the hotel and took a bus to Ten Drum Culture Village. We played traditional drums and got to try sugarcane juice. After that, we had lunch, and bought souvenirs at the souvenir shop. Then our bus took us to Chitou Natural Ecological and…

Day 2: The Man of the Forest

Day 2: Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation CentreWe woke up to a beautiful day in Sandakan with a view of the ocean. We had a yummy breakfast at the hotel and then we got in a van and headed to the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre.  As we were leaving the…

Wildlife Galore

It was a great day today. After observing Orangutans at the Sepolikorangutan rehabilitation centre we traveled to our resort on theKinabatangan river. On our afternoon cruise we observed threedifferent types of monkeys, lizards and birds. Back at the resort wehad a great dinner and while we were eating six wild…