Save the Elephants – group 2

We just had an amazing experience at the elephant park. This is a rehabilitation centre for elephants that have been abused as a result of traditional Thai elephant domesticating practices. The students in group 2 had an opportunity to feed and wash the elephants.

Sam Leong and Oscar Loi

Today is one of the best day in 2014. We take the cable car up to the top of the mountain and take a group photo. After we take the photo, some of us ski down the beginner track and the rest of us get back on the cable car.…

Brian and Travis

Today morning after breakfast, we travelled to the top of the mountain to take a group photo. After the group photo, we choose our path and ski or snowboard down from the top of the mountain. While most of the people stayed together, me and two of my friends travelled…

Eduardo and Justin

The rain at the ski mountain's base was cold and drizzly. Regardless of the drizzle, we rode the gondola to the mountain's peak and the annoying rain turned into the magical white, angelic, frosty snow. We had some Chinese food for lunch, hot soup and some vegetable stew with fried…

Josephina So, Corliss Tou, Sherry Tai

It's another skiing and snowboarding day. We went to the top on the moutain and took a group picture. We skied down from the mountain top wit our instructor and many of us fell. We used the gondola and went to a restaurant for Korean style lunch. After lunch, students…

Jonathan and Sheldon

Today we started off with a great breakfast buffet getting us ready for the strenuous exercise that awaited us. Once we got to the ski slopes, we boarded the gondolas and made our way to the top of the mountain, where we were met with wind and fog. You could…

2nd day skiing

After the beginner lessons our students had yesterday, our skiers/ snowboarders were much more confident today. We all took the gondola up to the peak Mountain Top first thing this morning to have our group picture taken! Although it was a bit foggy, it did not stop our students from…

Another great day in India!

Had a warm breakfast at camp this morning followed by a briefing of our day. We drove though the city of Hardwar to a local orphanage. After introducing ourselves we played games and taught the children how to write their names in Chinese on red paper. Then, many of the…

Angkor Wat & The Orphanage

Hi blog followers,The Cambodia trip is rolling along with yet another amazing (and scorching) day under the sun.  The first stop of the day was to the world-renowned Angkor Wat, the premier structure from the Khmer empire and one of the largest religious structures in the world.  We were told…

Ancient Things

Hi blog readers,The afternoon portion of Day 2 of the Cambodia trip had the group traveling back in time to 12th century Khmer dynasty and their nearly millennial old temple structures.The group started by taking a trip to the Ta Prohm Buddhist monastery.  While that name along might not ring…