
We are currently at the airport in Osaka ready and waiting to board our flight.  We sure wish we could stay longer!  We had a great day at the National Muesum which was quite interactive.  The museum even gave out free candy at the end of the tour!  The students…

Zonked out

The students had a really difficult time waking up this morning.  Many slept through their wakeup phone call and even knocking on their door did not work.  I guess staying up till 12:30 playing cards with the teachers was too much to handle!  :o)  Yesterday was an extremely action packed…

Sleepy heads

Students are dead to the world this morning as many of them stayed up as late as they could during their last night of `freedom`.  Lucky for us the rain has stopped but it is still cloudy and windy.  Students are going for one more buffet breakfast before boarding the…


Many of the students chose sushi for their dinner tonight and it proved to be a popular and delicious choice.  The students are now winding down on their last night in Japan.  After dinner, students headed back to their room to clean up and pack as tomorrow is another early…

Universal Studios

Today was the day students looked forward to the most and they were not disappointed!  Universal Studios is every teenagers dream come true!  The rides were a huge hit.  The kids loved the Spiderman ride and the rollercoaster came in a close second.  The teachers were so impressed by how…

A day trip around Hanoi

Today we were able to wake up a little later.  We ate breakfast in the hotel and then went off in search of Ho Chi Minh, who died in 1969 - the same number of island reported to exist in Ha Long bay.  We arrived at the mausoleum of the…

Live and Learn

Here are a few things a few grade eight students have learned over the past few days:Do not wear high heels on a hike.Do not fill out airport forms in pencil.Do not lock yourself out of your hotel room.Do not stay up all night. (Some still have not learned this…


What a great day had by all!  After an exhausting first day of visiting historical Kyoto, the second day started off by attending a sumo wrestling match in Osaka followed by a trip to the aquarium.  The students have been great ambassadors for TIS. Everyone is getting along and having…

Science Center

Hi,We went to the Guangdong science center today. It was huge but everthing was in Chinese only. -_- too bad...However, we had pizza at Papa John for dinner. We will go to Window of the World and Splendid China tomorrow. Yeah...!

Calvin's expressions

Some things that Calvin has said that make us smile:1) Crocodiles are opportunists.2) Story 1:There was a farmer and he had a pig.He also had to send some mail to Brazil.  But, he confused the mail for the pig and sent it instead.When the pig arrived and iguana attacked it.Moral:…