What to pack?

Remember that Air Asia has a strict luggage policy of 15kg per person. Please do not over pack. According to the weather gods, Phuket weather is quite warm and sunny, with highs of 35 celsius right now. http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/48565.html So, what should you pack? Here are some suggestions:PASSPORT, sunscreen, bathing suit(s),…

Flight Details

Sunday 7th March  9:00 AM Students arrive at Macau Airport11:10 AM Flight departs for Bangkok (FD3601)  1:00 PM Arrive in Bangkok  3:50 PM Flight departs for Chiang Mai (FD3236)  5:00 PM Flight Arrives in Chiang Mai- Arrive at the Prem Center- Welcome by VSP Staff- Settle into rooms10:00 PM Quiet…

Travel Advisory

March 2, 2010 Dear Parents,We are aware of the travel advisory for Thailand and are monitoring the situation very carefully. The travel advisory cautions about the potential for political protests. The advisory cautions travelers to avoid areas where protests are occurring. At this stage, no protests have been organized. Since…

What To Bring

This is a list of items which we recommend students bring with them for their stay at the Prem Center.-        1 set clothes for cool weather (for early mornings, trekking etc.)

Travel Advisory

March 2, 2010 Dear Parents,We are aware of the travel advisory for Thailand and are monitoring the situation very carefully. The travel advisory cautions about the potential for political protests. The advisory cautions travelers to avoid areas where protests are occurring. At this stage, no protests have been organized. Since…

The Trip Begins

With Experience Week less than a week away, we would like to take this opportunity to gather some final details for our trip. Please fill out the attached Medical Information Questionnaire and return this no later than Friday, March 5, 2010. Departure: from TIS at 9:00 a.m.    Return time: 12:30…

Itinerary for the week

Hello!! This is the first post for the scuba trip travel blog. Please find all itinerary information below:Experience Week 2010 – Scuba Diving Trip Itinerary7 March Meet at TAIPA Ferry Terminal @ 1500Leave TAIPA Ferry Terminal @ 1630 to HKIAFlight Information: March 7, 2010Air Asia Flight FD3925Depart Hong Kong (HKG)…


Here are a few photos of our amazing adventure!

Greetings from Sapa

To sum up our Sapa experience, we are tired and happy.Hiking down steep, slippery, and muddy terrain until we reached our house on stilts, our group took a nap in preparation for some traditional games at the local school.  Stick push and pull, skipping, walking on stilts, AND a mean…

Home at Last!

We made it back home safe and sound!  We would like to thank all of the students and parents for making this incredible experience possible.  The students were exceptionally behaved.  We coudn't have asked to have traveled with a better bunch of kids!  This was an experience we will remember…