Zoo for You

31 TIS grade sevens spent yesterday afternoon at the Safari Park in Pingzhou.  The cool, rainy weather didn't dampen the enthusiasm of our group as we explored tropical rain forest and African savannah wildlife environments.  Elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, and many other exotic animals, birds, and reptiles were viewed by…


Helloo y'allwe've just had our first day of skiing/boarding, and the first time skiiers/boarders seemed to have enjoyed rolling down the hill every 5 seconds. The coaches that we had were all experienced skiiers/boarders and were very patient with the screaming girls (...and boys), although they have told us occassionally that…

1st night at the Milky Way hotel in Harbin City

We arrived the Harbin airport at 7:40 pm. Man it was so cold it was -19'C -_____-Then we took the bus to the Milky Way Hotel and had dinner at the KFC right next to the hotel. We were all very tired and went to bed after our late dinner.  We…

Paradisical Phuket

I'd say thumbs up, but when you're diving that would be the signal for ascend, so I'll have to give you the big OK. When we got to Hong Kong we found ourselves being checked on a single flight, instead of the initially planned two. This was a pleasant surprise.…

Phuket: Safe Arrival

I received a message late last night that the team had arrived safe and sound. Everyone is looking forward to a great week. Mr. Stribbell.

Day 1

After arriving at the airport and being picked up by the PREM staff, we took a 45 minute bus ride to the center.  The rooms are clean and very spacious.  After settling in at about 11 pm, the students tucked in right away knowing they had to be down for…

At Guangzhou Airport now

We are now  waiting at the Guangzhou airport for our flight to Harbin. Every one is safe and we just had a very good lunch at the McDonalds here in the airport. Our flight is expected to leave   on time at 3:30 and we will arrive Harbin at around 7:20pm.…

Arrived safe and sound!

Hello From Thailand!After two flights and a 3 hour stopover in Bangkok we arrived at the Chiang Mai airport. The flights were great and there were lots of sleepy eyes by the time we landed in Chiang Mai. We were met by the Prem center staff who took us on…

In Bangkok

Writing a quick note to say that we are in Bangkok airport waiting to board the last leg of our journey.  Everything has gone very smoothly thanks to our group of very experienced grade 8 travelers.  We will arrive in Chiang Mai in an hour and head straight to bed…