Calvin Sun

Throughout this eventful trip I have learned two very important life skills, how to ski and tolerance of cold temperatures. All in all a fun and enriching experience filled with jokes and games that involve push-ups(Thanks for the excersise Mr. Lee). =)

Tears stream down my face

Our free day yesterday was a lot of fun. We spent most of the day at Kata beach enjoying the water and sun. We had dinner at Rico's Steakhouse and Pizzeria, and celebrated the three birthdays of the week. Blue skies and tropical breezes beg us to stay. We are ignoring…

All good things must come to an end…

Well, here we are. It has been a whirlwind week of expeiences and now we are on our way home to Macau. If I can say one thing, many lessons were learned that could not hve happend in the classroom. I hope students will live the mantra of our experince…

Flight delay: Waiting at the Harbin Airport

HI,Our fight CX3604 to Guangzhou is delayed and the boarding time is TBA. We are now all waiting at the airport. Due to the delay, we won't be able to arrive Zhuhai before 12:00 am so we will stay over in Guangzhou tonight. We hope that we can board before…

Days 4 and 5- A little bit of everything!

Day 4Today both groups got up and had breakfast together. It must be said...our students LOVE the breakfast in the cafeteria every morning. Eggs, bacon, toast, french bread, cereal, fresh fruit, yogurt, and the Omelette Man!Group C went to for a morning of farming at the PREM organic farm. They…

Last Day

We are all back from our final adventures.  One team is back from their houseboat stay and visit to a hill tribe school who will put our hard earned donations to very good use.  The other team came back from their rock climbing adventure, and, as with all the other…


Great day yesterday. Warm, dry and sunny. We visited the terracotta warriors museum. Gotta love the legacy of meglomania. In the afternoon we biked around the 7.6 km. walls of the old imperial city in Xian.Kids are having fun but don't seem terribly impressed by the food in China. I…

Dolphins off the Port Bow

Another early wake up call and off to the pier with all of our students, this morning we started on our way back to the Phi Phi islands. The sea was angry today, like an old man trying to bring back soup at a deli. All Open Water students have completed…

Day 3- Group C&D Climbing/Hill Tribe/ campfire

Hi All,Today was a busy day. Group C got to experience the rock climbing, while group D showed their huge hearts at the Hill tribe school. At the end of the day we all met for a campfire with BBQ! It was a hit with everybody. We played some games…