Skiing and Shopping in Korea

Today, the fourth day, was a different day from the past days of the experience week. We had a wonderful breakfast at the High1 Resort, and then we went skiing for the rest of the morning. Today was our third day skiing, so we knew how to do it, and…

Andy & Avery blog

Today was the last day for skiing. It was a cold day, probably the coldest day out of all. It was snowing and it was beautiful. The valuable thing from this trip is that we had the opportunity to learn how to ski. Skiing was an amazing sport and we…

Mother Ganges

Today we began our morning with one hour yoga session in the beautiful sunshine. It was a cool 8 degrees but moving and stretching kept us warm. After breakfast we will head down to the Ganges for a day of white water rafting. A great day for body and soul!

Our last evening in Cambodia

Hi blog followers,Our group made their final community outreach trip this afternoon to a second orphanage. This one was not quite run the same way as the first one. This orphanage was set up like a school and the kids there had classes in a special building in addition to…

Art and War

Hi blog readers,Having gone through most of the major temples in around the Siem Reap area, the group had a bit of a different focus this morning. First off today, the group went to the Artisans in Angkor art centre. There the kids had a guided tour of the various…

Wax on, wax off

The trip is winding down and during the fourth day, we went to the 63 building, the tallest building in Seoul. It was quite the complex with many activities throughout. First up was the Sky Art Gallery, which was a gallery located up in the top floor. There was a…

St. Petersburg Round 2.

In our final day in St. Petersburg, we had a well-deserved sleep and then went to the Summer Place. Some of the students explored the palace, whereas others explored the grounds and the fountains.  Several people even tried the waters of the Baltic Sea.  We then explored the city. Some explored…

Day 4

We cannot believe that time has flown by so fast! Today was the fourth day of our trip! We took a four hour bus ride to the village of Juifen. There we went shopping on a very narrow street with a lot of shops, and we had a lot of…

Day 4: On the hunt for elephants

Day 4: Another River Cruise We had another early start at 5:30am so we could be on the Kinabatangan River as early as possible to go look for wildlife. The sky had just started to light up as the sun rose higher and higher. We spotted several white belly Fish…