Museums…Good Food and Night Markets!

Good evening fellow night owls,Before I begin and give you an account of our day, I would like to take this chance to wish JASPER AND JOSEFINA a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :DWe're so happy that we received our first comment that we encourage you to leave us a quick hello…

Borneo Beachouse

We arrived safely at our lodgings, and the students are getting settled into their rooms. The word of the evening is "humidity"! We have an early start in the morning as we make our way to the camp after breakfast. Goodnight from KK!

Our First Night in Taipei

Dear faithful readers,Apologizes that this post comes out to you so late. We are all safe and sound and we just wanted to recap with you some of today's events.Upon checking in and going through customs in Macau, we were told that our flight was delayed by a half hour.…

Smooth Sailing

After a peaceful ferry ride to the HK airport we grabbed a little snack and we are waiting to board our flight to KK. See you in Malaysia!

Safe landing

We had a semi long trip in the air, but we have arrived safely at Nanjing. Our first stop was to visit the site of the Nanjin Massacre where We had a long but smooth trip through two airports and have arrived safely at our destination.  Our guide met us at…

Thursday Evening Photos

As our last activity, we enjoyed a Khantoke dinner.  We ate several traditional foods and used our fingers to eat it!  After dinner, each group got to launch a lantern.  We made a wish and let the lantern take them away.  Finally, we were treated to a traditional Thai dance…

Thursday Afternoon Activities

Since this morning brought yet more rain, we decided to learn more about traditional Thai culture and craftsmanship instead of mountain biking at the park. Observing traditional umbrella making and painting, hand-carved furniture production, silver jewelry creation and silk production gave usinsights into the long Thai tradition of creating beautiful…

Tree Planting/ Temples/ Night Bazaar

Sawadika from Rainy Thailand!It has been raining all day and will rain again tommorrow. But the rain has not dampened the spirits of our "saving the world" grade 8's! The students were up early today and busy planting seedlings and learning about plants, nature and sustainable environments. After some hot…