Day 2 – It Snowed!

As we all walked to a western buffet breakfast, we couldn't help but notice the fresh powder on the ground.  Jonathan picked some up in his hand and exclaimed," Wow, it's like powder.  Feel it!"  From the sticky snow yesterday to today's new snow, TIS is getting a great snow-education.…

TIS travels in Taipei, Taiwan (it's alliteration!)

We left Macau with a plane full of excited year 7's. Mandy our guide made sure everything went smoothly for our arrival in Taiwan. We were met by our other two guides - Ms. Wu and Suzanne - and headed to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. We were lucky enough to…

The journey begins.

After a long journey through the Thai countryside by bus, we came to the eastern Thai border town of Aranyaprathet. The town was lit up from all the markets late in the evening and the monstrosity of the Casino's in Poi Pet, Cambodia a stones throw from the markets. We…

Getting through immigration

No hassles. We moved very quickly through Thai immigration and boarded a bus headed for the eastern highway. Today it is 31C - dry heat. We will stop in Sa Keo for food and a rest stop for the students. All is well. The students really are enjoying looking at…


In Bangkok waiting for next flight to Chiang Mai. Smooth sailing so far!

Safe & Sound in Calgary

Hello,Well, we finally arrived into Calgary today (Saturday, March 10) just after noon. There was a loud cheer from our students when the plane landed on the runway. And the scenery (the Rocky Mountians and view of downtown) was simply spectacular - one of the best I've seen in years!The…

Overnight in Vancouver

We had extensive flight delays all day, so we are now checked into the Fairmont Airport Hotel in Vancouver.  The students are all account for and in their bed sound asleep.We will meet in the lobby tomorrow morning (in 4 hours) and try to get to Calgary.  We are scheduled…

Getting involved.

Today we spent some of our morning at a local elementary school, where we helped up with a wall-painting project that they needed done. Turtle Bay arranged the paint and brushes and we provided the many hands that made light work (even lighter when the local students got involved). The…

We Arrived!

We took the school bus to the CoTai Ferry and had an uneventful sailing to HK. Transfer here, and there, and somewhere else, and we land in Cebu, safe and sound. Hungry, with our priorities in order, we head for McDonalds. It's amazing how fast 17 teenagers can clear out…

Mom, we're not in Macau anymore!

Our first day of skiing was a beautiful mix of blue skies and a temperature of -1*C.  It was perfect for skiing as many of our travellers tasted their first bit of snow as they slid down the slopes with open eyes and beaming faces.  While the warm winter weather…