Dragon's Peak – What a view!

Everyone of us took the gondola up to the highest peak in the resort- Dragon's Peak.  We could see the valleys on both sides of the mountain.  Spectacular, breath-taking, awesome were but a few of the adjectives heard at the top.  Several of us then made the 5600m descent to…

3rd day! On to Dragon's Peak!

Today is the day that we all head to the highest point in the resort- Dragon's peak.  A twenty minute gondola ride and a group picture will be a highlight of the day.  Some students will then join Mr. Rehman and Ms. Chu for the 5,6 km ski run down…

A Day in Taipei

After an exciting and eventful first day in Taiwan, the grade 7s were excited to continue their adventures on the second day of experience week.  The students spent the day learning about various social welfare groups in Macau.  We spent the morning with Caritas Taiwan and Good Shepherd Sisters, learning…

Some highlights of our adventures today.

The students are really enjoying the trip so far. It has been very busy today and we've all done so much trekking and looking at local history. The students are taking many pictures and are soaking in all the great sites. The weather today was clear and hot (31C) and…

River Survey

Today group #1 did a river survey.  As an extension of our unit on fresh and salt water systems, students used chemistry, geography and biology to determine the health of the river.  The students collected water samples and tested for phosphate content, nitrate content, levels of dissolved oxygen and pH.Students measured…

Day 1 Update

Hello families, Day one of activities in Chiang Mai was filled with a variety of new and engaging experiences for the students. The students, TIS staff and tour guide leaders met for breakfast at 7:30am and at 8:30am, the three groups set off on their adventures for the day.  Mr.Thouret…

We have arrived!

We have finally arrived in Chiang Mai 15 hours after we met in Macao.  It has been a long day, but apart from a 20 minute delay in Bangkok, it has been a very smooth day.We arrived and were treated to some sandwiches, fruit and cake.  We all had a…

Makin' a run for the border

Welcome to Cambodia!After a flight and a bus ride, we are now into Cambodia, sitting down to an all-you-can-eat buffet in...can you believe it...a casino of all places! They must have known we were coming from Macau:)The food has been spectacular and the people friendly. After our meal we will…

Under the sea/pool.

This morning, after another great breakfast, school was in session. The Advanced Course got started with a navigation dive, Ms. Mak, Rudy, Michael, and Jimmy using compass and natural features to better negotiate the underwater environment. While they were out diving, the Open Water Students were watching sections of the…

Crash course in wind chill factor.

The brilliant sunshine and -4* C temperature betrayed and fooled some of the skiers today.  The wind sometimes really whipped through the trees and down some of the runs.  Our students quickly realized "It's colder today!" and had to layer up.  The hoodies went up and many toques (that's Canadian…