A Day of "Under" Achieving

"I would come back to this hotel just for the food, not even considering the diving." This was the comment of one of our students this evening. It's true, the food has been superb, with a wide selection of culinary delights that have kept our students finishing first plates and…

Home at last!

Our ski journey has ended safely back home in Macau.  Some very tired skiers woke up at 4 am to eat noodles at 5:30 am!  By 6:30 am we were waiting at the airport to check our bags.  While our flight left half an hour late, we made it back…

Lappin' up the Lotte

After a quiet bus ride into Seoul, we made our stop into Seoul's famous Lotte World- an indoor/outdoor amusement park.  It was a sure fire hit with these teens.  It was very interesting to see these young people bounce through the doors and "run" to the first ride like excited…

Off to Seoul and Lotte World

We board the bus for Lotte World in Seoul at 9 am after another buffet breakfast.  Many students are looking forward to the 3 hour bus ride, so they can catch up on some sleep.  Later tonight we are off to the night market.  Stat tuned for pictures and more…

Pigging out in Taichung

This morning we got up early and left our hotel in Taipei for our last day in the city. First we went to the National Palace Museum and saw many different historical artifacts from the country and China. It seemed the highlight was a jade cabbage. Afterwards, many of the…

What a day!

Today our tour group left Bou Savy guesthouse at 9am. We packed onto the bus and headed 1 hour 15 minutes outside of Siem Reap. Along the way we saw rice fields, water buffalo and many school children riding their bikes to school. I think many of the students were…

Thailand Times

Day 2 for group 3 was an adventure to Mae Taeng Valley for an environmental service project.  The students gained much experience using tools like weed cutters, hoe, and other planting tools.  The community service project aim is to help grow vegetables and fruits for the elephants.  The students hung…

Immersed in the experience

Everyone arrived safely in Taiwan and have been enjoying the local sights and foods.  Unfortunately it was a rainy evening and there were no fireflies to be found last night but many of the students enjoyed the hot springs instead.

Wow! Nice Diggs!

"Today I traveled to Cambodia. First, we went to the Macau airport. It was pretty fun and exciting. I've never been to Cambodia, and was excited to go there. The first thing I noticed when we landed in Thailand was the heat. It's a lot hotter in Thailand than Macau.…

Unwinding before our trip into Seoul

The last day of skiing was gloriously bathed in sunlight and crystal blue skies (yes, Macau there is a blue sky).  After the group's journey to the "peak", they all enjoyed a wonderful last day on the slopes. Our dinner was served in our hotel and the "hot pot" contained…