Genocide and Remembrance

Tuol Sleng was one of the infamous prisons during the decade of the Khmer Rouge Army. It is now a Genocide museum to help promote world awareness of what Genocide is really all about. The next stop was the infamous Killing Fields. Both of these places were very somber places…

We're Here!

Yes, we made it to Phnom Penh - the capital city of Cambodia. Everyone is excited to get back to a big city. In 6 years this place has really modernized and become more or less like Bangkok. The streets are lit and cars come and go very easily.Today we…

Homeward Bound

After our final day of activities, students had time for a quick shower and we hopped in vans and were taken to the night market.  The kids had a great time exploring the area and bartering with their baht.  They all respected the 'NO McDonald's, NO Burger King' rule and…

Thouhts On Experience Week (4)

Cambodia, Such a great place to go as a school trip, the sun, the temperature unbelievably hot. The environment, the way how people lived, can go to the point that can actually make a tourist or foreign person tear in their heart, think about your own life and then compare…

Thoughts On Experience Week (3)

           While in Cambodia, I learned a lot of things about the Cambodian culture. We visited the beautiful Angkor Wat, and climbed to the top to enjoy the view, which was bathed in the soft afternoon light. We also visited a primary school, where we gave gifts to the young…

Thoughts On Experience Week (2)

In this experience week, I really enjoyed visiting the children and playing games and having fun with them. We taught them how to say numbers in Chinese and played math games with them. They were still so happy going to school even though they don't have many materials in their…

Thoughts on Experience Week (1)

Before I came to Cambodia I always complained about what the things that I think is not good enough, like the taste of the dinner, the softness of my bed etc. Later I come to Cambodia, I experienced the harsh environment here for those kids who live here, who seems…

Tonle Sap, Silk, Sleepy Bus

Hello All,*Yawn*. After a full day of sights and travel we are hitting the hay in Pattaya. Our day included a boat ride to Tonle Sap lake where we visited some floating villages. After that we went to a silk farm which was really cool! We then made a run…

New Friends, New Knowledge

We have had an amazing 2 days at the "Voices of Our Elders" International Youth Leadership Summit (IYLS).  The students have had the priviledge of listening to many incredibly inspiring speakers; to having many insightful discussions, and to connecting with bright, enthusiastic youth from Calgary and ChongQing.They spent the first day…


All of our students have now completed their courses and are certified Open Water or Advanced Open Water Divers. Awesome job! Today (Thursday) is our last full day here at Turtlebay. This morning was a chance for students to sleep in and get some much needed rest after the busy…