Packing Our Golf Bags!

Hey TIS Golf Fans! We have three Tigers returning to Shekou this year to take care of business...on the course. Last year Kenny Chen, Michael Zhou, and Hendrik Urm finished 3rd in the ACAMIS Golf team competition which was our first attempt at ACAMIS golf. This year, the solid trio…

Home safely

We arrived home safely early this evening after an incredible GIN experience. We are sure students are exhausted after the weekend, but are energized to take action.  Our students represented TIS with true TIGER spirit and we so proud of them.  On Thursday morning students will share their GIN experience…

First Day

The day went began as smoothly as possible getting through the border.  As we drove through the region, the students were able to identify the region and natural resources we had learned about in Social Studies.  Many were surprised at the large hillsides and fertile fields.  As we approached the…

Middle School Conference

Day 2 was another fantastic day! Our eyes, minds and hearts were opened to a wide array of global issues. Passionate keynote speakers spoke about animal rights, ocean concerns and cancer prevention. Students had the choice of attending 17 different Non-Governental Organizations (NGOS) workshops. From these workshops we learned that…

Day 2 – high school conference

Another awesome but super tiring day!!! Never did we expect this conference to be so amazing yet so exhausting. We spent the majority of our time in a variety of workshops and our GANG groups,which are organized based on particular global issues that the students are interested in. Their goal…

Last minute things

   Hello Grade 5 Students! We hope that everybody has registered online by now and is very excited about the trip. Only two days left, so it's time to  start thinking about what you need to prepare and pack for the trip. Many students had questions about the item 'water…


Our first day of the conference was action packed, informative and inspiring. This conference is beyond amazing. Over 800 youth have come together from 62 schools wanting to make the world a better place. Our students are networking with international students from places such as Cairo, Jakarta and Bangladesh. The…

Safe and Sound

Dear Parents,The Grade 5 students arrived safely in Hong Kong without any problems and have had a very active day so far.  Unfortunately there is no internet access at the camp so we will not be able to send regular updates.   Everyone is looking forward to sharing details of their…

Lastnight in Guilin

Long JiAfter a long day of bus rides and hiking, we are at our last hotel. The Countryside Hotel located in Long Ji, is a hotel situated on a three hundred year old rice terrace. We spent the early afternoon visiting a local Yao village, and hiking through the rice…