Our last day in Chiang Mai

Many of us are sad that it is our last night in Chiang Mai. It has been a fantastic time with friends and a week that we will remember for the years to come.  Here are some comments from the students today:This is our last day in Chiang Mai, but…

Internet Woes

Hello friends and family,Mr. Liu just sent me a quick email asking me to let you know that they are having some connectivity problems and that he will do his best to send an update later today.Sounds like everyone is still enjoying the adventure and are looking forward to what…

Day 3 – So much fun!!!

We can't believe how quickly the week is flying by. Students requested that they want experience week to be 7 - 14 days. They are having so much fun and are creating memories that will last a life time.  Here are what the students have to say about their experience…

Day 2 – the fun continues

From art to archery to Thai culture to the night market, a good time was had by all. The students are loving the new experiences and are consistently demonstrating enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards our adventures.  They are representing TIS with great pride.  Here is what the students have…

Sights from Day 3 in Taiwan

Hi All, Our experience week trip continues on with another full day of activities through central Taiwan.  After leaving Le Midi just outside of Nantou, we headed up the road first to Sun Moon Lake.  The group took a boat cruise around the lake on a brilliant clear day.  After…

Adventures from Day 2

We had a very early start today, but surprisingly no one slept past the 6:30 wake up call! After a buffet breakfast of western and Asian food, and the consumption of mounds of bacon by some, we got on the buses for a one-hour trip to Ten Drum Culture Village…

Day 1 – a great start to our week!

Our week is off to a great start!  Group 1 loved their jungle cooking experience this morning and they are now off campus taking part in Batik art.  Group 2 is staying on campus all day today and are loving every minute of it.  They enjoyed Thai cooking this morning…

Arriving in Kaoshiung

Hi All,The experience week trip is off to a great start as the grade 7s arrived safely and punctually in Kaoshiung.  While there were minor doses of homesickness, overall the students were pumped to get their experience week started.  After meeting our Taiwanese guides at the airport, we started our…

Next stop Taiwan

Hi parents,The group checked in safely at the airport and are waiting to board our flight.  Next update Taiwan and the group is very excited.  See you on the other.

We're Here!

Hello parents,We arrived safely in Thailand on time and everything went smoothly at the airport.  Students received their water bottle, t-shirt and snack upon arrival. They are now getting settled in their apartments.  All of the students are happy and are looking forward to the exciting week ahead.  Tomorrow morning…