Safe arrival in Taiwan

Hi Tigers fans,   Both are boys and girls volleyball team arrived on time and safely to Taichung.  After a brief stop at the hotel, the players were transported to Ivy Collegiate Academy for practice before dinner at the school. We are now back at the hotel ready for bed and…

Something Old, Something New

Due to the heavy downpour yesterday, our community service at the elderly centre unfortunately had to be canceled. Dragonfly stepped up and provided our students with an alternative cultural experience. Zhaoqing is famous for its ink stone carving and we had the privilege of going to the community hall to…

Singing in the Rain

Day two started out with the pitter patter of rain cascading down the windows. Students were not deterred however, and came out fully prepared for the day ahead. After a nutritious breakfast, students split into their activity groups and took off for the morning. The morning activities included raft building,…

Safe and Sound

After a smooth and safe bus ride, we arrived at Nine Dragon Lake. We unpacked and hopped aboard the boat that took us to the resort, passing beautiful scenery. After a delicious lunch, the students headed out for some icebreaker and team building activities. The Dragonfly team has been a…

Emergency phone number

Dear Parents Please use this number only in case of emergency: 13232298582Thank you,Grade 5 Team

Last Minute Thoughts

Dear Students,As you are getting ready for tomorrow, please remember to read the check list and make sure you pack everything you need. It is imperative that you bring a rain coat and water shoes because it looks like the first couple of days may be wet! Also, your travel…

Day Two – A Day of Exercise and Reflection

Hello again from the town of Jiu Long, near Qingyuan!Today was a very busy day! Groups A and B went to an amazing cave where the students got to practise their orienteering skills, in an exciting, yet safe, environment. Students got to read maps, use a legend and scale effectively,…

First Day!

We started off the day on a great note with everyone showing up cheerful and excited to begin our adventure. We ended the day the same way, but just a lot more tired. The students arrived at the hotel early this afternoon and were met by a great Dragonfly Staff team.…

We arrived!

After an I uneventful flight, we found our guide, Jenny, and boarded our bus. We are now at Siam Paragon, starting our shopping extravaganza day.

Touchdown in Guangzhou!

We are about to board the bus ahead of schedule.Will update blog when we get closer to the border.