Our New Travel Blogs

Welcome to the new Travel site for TIS. Our existing TravelPods blogs have been moved over to the new TIS website. Explore this site to see our experiences abroad!


Leaving Delhi in 1hour. Flight is on time. Landing in Hong Kong at 9:55 am. We'll catch the first available ferry to Taipa ferry terminal. Everyone is safe but tired and ready to come home. It's been amazing!

Final day of the trip

On final day do you trip, we visited a silk production site that also belonged to Artisans Angkor and headed to a lake in the outskirts of Siem Reap. Here were the photos from the day.          

Back Home

We arrived in Hong Kong. We had our last quote on the way to catch the ferry.  A student magically opened a door by saying "Open Says A Me". We then boarded a ferry and we all arrived safe and sound in the homeland of Macau. It was then a…

Almost home.

Last leg! For anyone that is reading, we are arriving into the Taipa terminal at 11:15am. See you there!


Today was probably the best day out of the trip. We mastered the technique of skiing and spent the whole morning skiing down the expert mountain. After long hours of bus riding we went to myong and spent another 4 hours shopping and eating around. The local food was pretty…


A glorious day of rafting on the Ganges. Great times we're had by all. Getting ready for dinner then early bed. 4a.m. Wake up for the train back to Delhi. Good night!

Last Day

Today was all about shopping! Wait till you see what your kids brought home! A big thanks to all the kids who were fantastic and especially Ms. Chap, who organized her 9th experience week trip! It was perfect and much appreciated by all!

Our Final Day Togeather

We arrived in Moscow at 7:15 am and enjoyed a nice breakfast.  We then experienced a trucks bath in a Chinese restaurant in Russia.  After this, we went to a Soviet Era park and students enjoyed taking pictures of the sights.   We toured the immense Victory Park and then it…

Day 5

We are absolutely tired! Today we woke up at 7:00 AM and ate at the hotel buffet. After that, we left to go to the Taipei School for the Visually Impaired, where we did various activities that simulated a day in the life in a blind or almost blind person.…