Day #6: … Just a Little… Bit… Further…

In speaking on behalf of the teacher team, there have been many awe-inspiring sights that have surprised us on this trip - wild scorpions, meandering elephants on the highway, and picturesque waterfalls to name a few. Without question, though, one of the most surprising experiences encountered this week would be…

Day #5: The End is Nigh…

It’s funny how quickly perceptions and attitudes can change when one recognizes that the end of something is in sight. At least, that’s the impression us teachers had while observing our TIS team in what would be their final day at Ban Houay-On. Despite the day seemingly starting in its…

Day #4: Like a Bunch of Professionals

Day two of our epic stay in the rural village of Ban Houay-On began much like our first day here with an early session of sunrise yoga (I think we’re getting the hang of it!) and a nutritious breakfast as a means to prepare us for a long, arduous day…

Day #3: Put… The Mudball… Down…

Picture, if you will, trying to wrangle together seventeen freshly awoken teenagers and their caffeine-deprived teachers for a 7 AM yoga session. For most, that seems like a challenge in and of itself. To do so the morning after an exceptionally busy and demanding day - well, that just sounds…

Day #2: Straight to Work!

When you casually begin your day with a (comparatively) late start, a hearty, satisfying breakfast, subsequently followed by a stunningly serene thirty minute cruise down the Mekong River and peaceful jungle hike, it’s easy to assume that the remainder of your day will be equally comfortable and undemanding. This, unsurprisingly,…

Day #1: Leavin’ for Laos; or How I Learned My Teachers Are Goofs

Sabaidi Laos Blog Followers! Without any surprise, the 2019 Laos Experience Week trip began exactly as most would have expected. Illogical jokes, far too much giggling, unmanageable energy and excitement, and a certain lack of maturity. What MAY be surprising is that those very characteristics seemingly describe the teacher team…

“Are We Allowed to Get Burger King?”

With twelve hours of travel under our belts and a bellies full of delicious local cuisine (including yak!), the Yunnan Experience Week team is settling in for a night of well-earned rest. Admittedly, the lack of sleep and overreliance on airport junk food, mixed with a dash of a “crisp”…