On our way home

Whoa! I shouldn't be driving AND taking selfies!... ;-) (kidding)

Elephant Nature Park – group 1

We had another exciting day of fun and adventure in Thailand. Today we travelled to the Elephant Nature Park where we learned all about these wonderful animals. We were given the opportunity to participate in feeding them and then later, the highlight.... we met them at the river and gave…

Cycling and kayaking- group 1

Today was another great adventure for us at camp. We started off with a 16 km bike ride and finished the afternoon off with a two hour kayak trip. A barbecue and a campfire was a superb ending to a fantastic day.        

Night Market – Chiang Mai

Barter Time! Tonight we went into town and took in the sights, sounds and excitement of the night market.

Climbing up the walls

This afternoon we hit the wall! Everyone gave a huge effort and were all incredible climbers. Well done Team!

Muay Thai – group 1a

Our second session of the day had us learning Muay Thai. We are all now a little more ninja-like than we were when we started.