Last minute packing preparations

An important message from The Hutong service provider regarding packing... Equipment, Packing and Carrying: Just wanted to remind the students about a couple of important items given the weather forecast: - Thin base layers - Waterproof outer layer - Good footwear with grip as likely to be muddy in parts…

Lisbon Impressions

A rainy and chilly morning in Albufeira to start the day, but no matter, we'll just sleep our way on the bus to better weather as we head North towards Lisbon.  Traffic is good so we make excellent time to the capital where we crossed the 25th of April bridge…

Crossing over into Portugal

Time to check out of our hotel in Sevilla and head towards the coast and the border with Portugal.  There was time for one last pit stop in Spain while the driver had a break.  A friendly challenge at the foosball table saw Kaden show off his skills to reign…

A ‘Real-y’ Good Day in Madrid

Everyone was feeling better this morning after having slept in a real bed and taking a much needed shower! We all got to sleep in a bit and then had a relaxing breakfast at the hotel before heading out on our bus, with driver Jose, tour guide Tanja and local…