Flight Cancelled

We have just learned that our flight has been cancelled and that we can only get on a flight at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning. We are investigating what our sleeping arrangements will be... check back soon for the latest information. Air Macau, with much prompting and arguing, has agreed to…

Coming Home

Our last day, we have a few mandatory stops at a cosmetic shop and a duty free shop. We then have our final hotpot lunch and head to the airport. Some need to repack with their new purchases and combine luggage to avoid overweight payments. We say goodbye to Don…

Day 6

Today after our breakfast, we visited the Changdrokgung Palace. This palace was loved more than the other palace by the King of Joseon Dynasty because of the spacious and beautiful garden in the back (The Secret Garden). The Secret Garden was intended as a place of kings and Royal family…

Day 4

Today we went to the Seoul North Tower. We went to the very top of the tower and got to observe Seoul from a high point. We then we to eat at a pizza buffet. Then we went to Samsung Digital Light, where we got to discover our personalities and…

Day 2

March 15: Today was another beautiful and cloudless day. We took a one-hour bus ride in the morning, away from Seoul, to the biggest cultural village in Korea. In contrast with the busy city action most people associate Korea with, the cultural village give off a more peaceful vibe. We…