Back From An Incredible Village Experience

We're back! I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting an update about our time in the village. First off, we must convey an apology about the lack of updates from the past 5 days, as it was originally suggested that we might have still had access to the…

Quick update

Hi all, A small order of business had brought me back into town for a few hours and with a connection to the internet. Things are going well at the village. The students are working harder then they've ever worked but thoroughly enjoying the experience. A full update will come…

Day 1 In the Books; Village Bound Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone, It's definitely been a LONG first day of the 2017 Laos Service Trip but a fulfilling one too. The day started bright and early, so early in fact that it really wasn't even bright out yet! After meeting at the Macau Ferry Terminal at 5am, the group raced…

Arrived in Laos

We've touched down in Laos and have successfully passed customs with the entire group. Everyone is in good spirits and are excited to head to the hotel. More updates later.

Trip Itinerary

Before we leave, we thought that it would be a good idea post the trip itinerary here on the blog so that everyone can follow along with the trip adventures: Laos Experience Week Trip Itinerary Please keep in mind that there will be a prolonged period of time during the…

Emergency Contact Information

Hi Parents & Students, Welcome to the page for the Laos Service Trip. We are 3 days away from departure and in this time, we thought it would be important for you to know the emergency contact details should they be needed during this trip: Tanya Brockbank +853 - 6280-3293…

Japan Experience Week Wraps Up

Our final day of the experience week trip wrapped up with a final traditional Japanese meal for breakfast at the hot spring hotel. After expressing a heart-felt thank you to the small staff at the hotel, we hit the road for a long hour and a half bus ride to…

Appreciating the Natural Beauty of Japan

Welcome back to our continuing adventures through Japan for the grade nine experience week trip. Tonight, we are staying at a more remote hot spring hotel and out wifi is a bit more sporty than it has been at the previous hotels. As a result, this entry is being tediously…

Sensory Delights on Day Three

The grade nine group indulged in a sprawling selection of breakfast items before another spirited day of experiencing Japan's remarkable culture. Our first stop was to the Shoin Gakuen school in Osaka for a cooking experience with the high school students of that school. Upon arrival, we were brought within…