We’re Home!

We're all back home safe and sound. Check out the photos from the last day of the trip in Korea. It was an absolutely top notch trip. Thanks for following along with our adventures.

The Last Run

Today was the last day on the slopes. Unfortunately we didn't get to finish with great conditions. Visibility at the top of the mountain was absolutely abysmal, with some people noting that it was impossible to see more than 15 meters in front of them. In addition to that, the…

Carving All the Way Down From the Top

Day 3, and we've made it to the top of the mountain. No that's not a metaphor or anything. We actually did just that with all of our students on this trip. Today every student from the trip rode up to the top of the mountain and took a ride…

A Day of Growth and Improvement

Greetings once again from the slopes in Korea. We were back at it on the hills today. Picking up where we left off from the day before, we resumed our training and started working some of our students on longer and tougher courses. By our second day on the slopes,…

First Day on the Slopes

For our first day on the ski hills here in Korea, there was much nerves and much excitement.  For many of our students, it was their first time trying skiing or snowboard and there was plenty to look forward to. The morning started off with lessons for our beginner skiers…

The group is geared up. We're not looking like a bunch of TIS students anymore. This group look more like skiers and snowboarders. Drive up to the slopes now.

Arriving at High1 Resort

We made it... But not without a few bumps in the road. Our original bus started giving out during the second leg of our journey from Incheon Airport to High1 Resort. After a few attempts to fix the bus, we were brought abroad a new one after a bit of…

Arrived in Korea; On our way to High1

Hi all, We've landed in Korea just a sorry time ago and now we've boarded the bus and are in for a 2hrs bus ride to High1 ski resort. More to come later.

Jetting off

We've all made it through customs and security and will be boarding the flight shortly. We'll post again on the other side.

Last Full Day of the Trip

Has it really been 7 days? We're down to the home stretch for our Laos Service Trip, and what an amazing trip it's been. Now being back from the village, the trip has settled into a much more relaxed pace. Compared to the other days in the village, we had…