Spirited Away in Jiufen and Shifen

Wowee!  What a day!  Today was packed full of a variety of activities designed to challenge limits, try something new and to reflect on our goals for the future! After having spent the past two days travelling as smaller groups, today we gathered together as one large group again.  All…

More photos from Day 3!

Here are a few more photos from today's activities!  Please see the March 11th blogs for more information from today's agendas!    

Activity and History for Group’s 1 & 2

Today was the first day where the students split into two groups.  Today, the students in groups 1 & 2 (Ms. Chu's and Mr. Jefferson's groups) participated in a wide range of activities that challenged their physical limits and teamwork skills. After a hearty buffet breakfast, the students travelled by…

Let the Taipei Adventures Begin!

We made it!  It was a little bit later than we had hoped, but after a nice flight, we landed in Taipei safe and sound! Upon completing our trek through the immigration line, we met up with our tour guides from the Hutong - Jeffrey, Danielle, Ian (not to be…

We have arrived!

Ni hao from Shaolin! It's been a long day of travel - beginning with an early (very early for some) meetup at the Taipa Ferry Terminal for our trip to Hong Kong International Airport.  After a slight delay, our plane took off without issue!  It was smooth sailing for the…

CWMUN Conference

Well this is what we've been waiting for - the Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) conference.  There were a few nervous and excited students this morning, from both the veteran MUN students and our rookies. We once again took our walk to the United Nations complex and the students…

St. patrick’s Day in Times Square and the MUN conference begins!

Happy St. patrick's Day everyone! The students began their day with a tour of the neighbouring Grand Central Station.  Many jaws dropped when they saw the magnificent architecture of this iconic building and many couldn't help but notice how the real GCS looked exactly like the one portrayed in the…

Soaking up all that the Big Apple has to offer!

After the loss of a day of our trip due to the storm that hit the New York City area on Tuesday, we were finally able to cross the bridge into the Big Apple to do some exploration.  We had a lot of time to make up, so we soaked…

Welcome to Newark!

Today was not the start that we were hoping for as a fairly strong Nor'Easter made it's way through the US Northeast.  This storm brought a lot of snow and cold winds that essentially shut down the entire city, putting a pretty significant damper on our day one itinerary.  Thankfully…

We have arrived!

It was a long flight - just shy of 16 hours - but we have arrived at our destination in Newark!  It was slight adjustment for some students as we exited the airport to 1 degree weather!   We made it to our hotel and are checked in for the…