Day 5 – Phở & Friends

It is a bit late, but here are some photos from our last day in Vietnam. After a late check-out from the hotel we enjoyed some delicious phở for lunch. Then we took our buses to a support centre for victims of Agent Orange (a herbicide and defoliant chemical that…

Important Reminder

Hello Parents, Just an important reminder that we fly back to Macau tonight. Here is the flight information: Air Macau flight NX829 leaves Da Nang at 21:30 and arrives in Macau at 00:10 on Saturday, March 18th. Our flight leaving for Vietnam was delayed, so please click the link below…

Day 4 – Boat Trip, Snorkelling, Swimming & BBQ

Hey there! Today is the last full day in Vietnam, everybody is upset that the days gone by so fast, but they are also happy to go back home! We went snorkelling and saw some fishes and starfishes. After that, we went to a beach and got around two hours…

Day 3 – Marble Mountain, Biking & Lantern Making

Hello! Today, we visited the marble mountains! There are five in total and each of them stand for one elements; earth, fire, water, wood and metal. Some of us went into a beautiful cave and others saw a magnificent view! After that, we went on a bike ride around the…

Day 2 – Mỹ Sơn & Hoi An Ancient Town

Hey there! Today we we visited the Mỹ Sơn temples. There were 71 temples, but only around 20 remain. Our guide told us more about the war and how the ancient kingdom was partially destroyed. The temples were very old and beautiful! Later on, we ate lunch and had the…

Day 1 – Fishing Fun

Hey y'all! We have finished the first half of the first day! We went on a boat and fished like Vietnamese fishermen! Gloria dropped her phone in the water but one of the guides kindly dove in the water and helped get it back. After that, we went on basket boats…

Arrived Safe and Sound

Although our flight was delayed we arrived safe and sound in Da Nang. We quickly hopped on a bus to Hoi An, checked into our hotel and headed to bed. We will set off at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. Goodnight!

Stuck in the Airport

Hello there! We have gone through security and have settled down at our gate. We have received news that our flight has been delayed. Even with this news, all the students are in a positive mood. Our flight will take off at 20:35 and will land at 22:20. Some of us,…