Happy in Hue!

Yesterday morning, we woke up and packed our bags for Hue (pronounced w-AI). En route, the grade 7s visited the spectacular Marble Mountains. We learned that there are five mountains in total, each one named after an element: Kim (metal), Thuy (water), Moc (wood), Hoa (fire) and Tho (earth). These mountains…

Excursion Number 2: Mỹ Sơn

After a good nights rest and a nourishing breakfast, the grade 7's embarked on a 1 hour bus ride through the scenic lands of Vietnam en route to the temples of My Son. Our tour guide took the bus ride as an opportunity to explain the historical significance of My…

Landed At Last!

Despite some flight delays that put us back a couple of hours, we are all safe and sound in Vietnam! Delays aside, the trip was relatively smooth and the grade sevens handled everything like champions. Our TIS team cruised through the airport in Da Nang with no issues and our…

All set to go!

The anticipation is building for the grade 7 trip to Vietnam! This morning, students met with supervisors to discuss important expectations and instructions for the trip. The following information was covered. Student Expectations Phones and electronics are not permitted at the dinning table or when a teacher or tour guide…