Hello guys, our group have Marco, Sam, Sunny and Jerry. Marco is the designer who responsible for all the designing of the 3D hand in laptop, the computer program he type will enters a 3D printer and print a hand for us . Marco also need to be careful about mistakes from the printer because he wants our hand to be perfect. The rest of our group helps building the hands. After the “fingers” and “palms” comes out of the printer, we use sand papers to make the surface being smooth, insert fishing lines into every joint that can help the fingers moving and functionable. And we also painted the hands. A cold, uncoloured hand will become cool and have a sense of art. One of the most important things that separate our hand different than other group’s hand, is we connected our hand with man-made arm and elbow as well. We think the hardest part is put the fishing line into the hand. At the first time we tried, we used a thick fishing line, but it was hard to get through. After several times we failed, we decided to hold a tweezer, use a thin fishing line, through the little hole we drilled. The easy part is we use sandpaper to smooth the surface of the hand model, as the much effort we put in, can make the hand from a rough one to a shiny one. We are looking forward to make a custom theme hand as our goal.