We are just back at the hotel for a pit-stop and showers.
Today we:
– Visited the floating village on Tonlesap lake and saw a strange sight in the sky (will post photo later!)
– Went to the Cambodian War Museum to learn about Cambodia’s Civil War
– Visited an AMAZING Orphanage/School where the kids learn in classrooms and also learn artistic trades. The kids taught our grade nines how to make leatherwork and gave each TIS student their own personal gift while the TIS students gave back a donation of school supplies and other necessities
. These kids are really amazing.
– We finished off with a bike ride in the countryside complete with police escort jut for us!
Now we are off to our last special dinner of French cuisine followed by one more trip to the Night Market (by popular demand).
Pictures to follow tonight!
It seems like you've had some very enriching and memorable experiences. Enjoy your last day and have a safe journey back!
Wow, what a busy day! Everyone seems to be having a great time. No teacher-pictures though? Looking forward to seeing you all this-evening.