Mr. Liu and the team are still having some internet issues, but he was able to send me some news from their adventures on Thursday and Friday. He will be able to upload pictures upon his return to Macao tomorrow and in the meantime hopes you will enjoy these updates:
Hi All,
The grade 7s have now made their way up to Taiwan’s capital, Taipei. Before our long bus ride up to Taipei yesterday, the students went for a bike ride on the scenic Houfeng Bikeway. Asides from a few small scrapes, the students were happy with their adventure and very thrilled to be able to see the Taiwanese countryside from a new perspective.
After the long ride, the group arrived in Taipei and went off to explore the Pineapple Dream Cake Factory then were given the rest of the afternoon to wander through Eslite bookstore, a massive bookstore in the commercial heart of Taipei
. Some students came back from the bookstore and cake factory with massive heaps of gifts for themselves and their families.
For dinner the students were treated to another buffet. The students (and teachers) were relieved to try out something other than local Taiwanese food, as there had been a long string of meals with Taiwanese food already. I am happy to report that all students came back to the hotel stuffed with food and ready for bed.
We have one more full day in Taiwan, so check back later to find out about the last of our adventures.
Being in the pineapple factory must be very cool! Did you guys get a chance of making cakes or you just got to learn?
We didn't get a chance to make it, but we do get a chance to taste it!
You guys were so lucky that you got to go biking altogether and got to buy books. Were the books cheap? Were the pineapple cakes good?