This morning, after another great breakfast, school was in session. The Advanced Course got started with a navigation dive, Ms. Mak, Rudy, Michael, and Jimmy using compass and natural features to better negotiate the underwater environment. While they were out diving, the Open Water Students were watching sections of the video course and studying their text books, learning about SCUBA equipment, the effects of pressure on the body, the underwater environment, and more.
How was the first day of diving?
“Putting on the scuba gear was a thrill, it felt like I was in one of those tv shows about diving or surfing because wearing a wet suit was cool! Breathing under water for the first time was a bit scary but after training and some tips from the instructors it felt just like the same as breathing when you’re above the water
. Thank god it’s only day one because I still want to get out there to the open waters! :D” – Jeffrey
“I stepped on a sea urchin and had purple blotches form on my ankle but
all’s good. I had a day dive and a night dive, but that’s only 2 of the
many dives we have to do here. Really psyched to go out there and
explore the rest of the dive spots!” -Jimmy
“I was worried about breathing underwater, but actually I was able to stay down. It was a cool experience to stay underwater for a long time and breathe, even though it was just in the pool. Soon we’ll get to go down and check out some fishes” – Daniela
“Trust your instincts. The lower you go the higher you are.” – Jonathan Chan
Hey there … so busy .. no time to post your adventure ..!Waiting to know more about your fun experience ..'Have fun ..'