Day 2 for group 3 was an adventure to Mae Taeng Valley for an environmental service project. The students gained much experience using tools like weed cutters, hoe, and other planting tools. The community service project aim is to help grow vegetables and fruits for the elephants. The students hung out in the river while waiting for lunch time. The second half of the project was educational where the students learned the difference between a dry fruit and a fleshy fruit and continued planting tree seeds in the nursery.
Group 1 took their turn cooking some delicious Thai food. The students did a great job, not one burned plate in the whole group. The second half of their day was spent learning a little Thai culture by visiting a craft center where students had a chance to create some original art. The weather seemed like it was taking a turn for the worse with some clouds brewing although it cleared up
Group 2 spent their day surveying the river and enjoying a swim in an amazing waterfall. The scenery was quite amazing in the National park while students learned about different chemical combinations in the river and overall knowledge.
The students are back on campus and utilizing some R&R time before a BBQ dinner this evening. Tomorrow will be exciting, ending with a cultural experience in the evening.
Thailand Team
So glad to know that everyone had a great time today. Hope tomorrow will be equally as exciting for all of you. Enjoy and be safe.