Today group #1 did a river survey. As an extension of our unit on fresh and salt water systems, students used chemistry, geography and biology to determine the health of the river. The students collected water samples and tested for phosphate content, nitrate content, levels of dissolved oxygen and pH.
Students measured the width and depth of the river and calculated the velocity. Finally, students had nets to collect whatever macro-invertebrates they could find and used charts to identify the species. In the end, students tallied the results of their survey and came up with a number that signified the overall cleanliness of the river.
After our hard work, we had a swim at the waterfall and enjoyed our packed lunch.
After lunch, we headed downstream to a more urban setting along the river and did the testing all over again! We found a significant difference in the biology of the stream as well as with some of the chemical readings.
Students were able to use some of the lab skills they had acquired during our unit (such as testing pH), and learned many many more. One student was surprised to know that field scientists do spend a lot of time wet and dirty and are not all in labs with pristine lab coats!
The experience was a science teacher’s dream and who doesn’t like splashing around and looking for bugs?
Team Thailand
I believe this will be one of the most valuable and interesting lesson you guys ever had. I hope you guys have fun tomorrow too! Cheers & Goodnight !
Thanks for the updated information, you all look like you are having an amazing time. Be safe and have fun !