Good evening fellow night owls,
Before I begin and give you an account of our day, I would like to take this chance to wish JASPER AND JOSEFINA a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 😀
We’re so happy that we received our first comment that we encourage you to leave us a quick hello if you do stop by! 🙂 Today we had another action packed day!
Shortly after our 7 AM wake-up call and 7:30 breakfast (which I am happy to report that probably about 95% of kids actually woke up for), we were bright-eyed and excited to start another day of adventures. We first went to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, but we only stayed there a short time to take pictures
. Since we had missed the guard changing ceremony, we were going to hurry to Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Memorial Hall to see whether we could catch that ceremony. Unfortunately, due to renovations, there were no guards 🙁
Not letting this dampen our mood, we quickly headed to Taipei 101 were approximately 30 students out of our group of 49 took the 37 second elevator ride up to the 89th floor of Taipei 101 to the Observatory. There, we got a bird’s eye view of Taipei and it was really cool! I know that some students even sent postcards so stay tuned to receive those!
Our next stop was lunch, were we had HOTPOT! Students got to choose whatever they wanted to eat and also took a stab at cooking their own food. One student reported, “I was really good at gathering everything I wanted to eat and throwing it into the pot; however, everything was overcooked 🙁 “.
The National Museum was next on the list and most of us were able to check out some exhibits. We saw porcelain, artifacts from the Tang Dynasty and also hit the gift shops as well. Unfortunately, we could not fully enjoy the experience because it was simply TOO crowded at the museum
. Picture, 30+ tour groups – speaking, Chinese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean – all trying to view exhibits all at the same time!! (Ever been to Zhuhai during Chinese New Year? It sort of felt like that).
Our afternoon was filled with a 2 hour cycling adventure! We had a few students who didn’t know how to bike; however, they were paired up with Ms. Leung and Mr. J on two-seater bikes. I am happy to report that there were NO INJURIES whatsoever, but instead, TONS of smiling faces 😀
Now I know that many of you were quite worried about our first night market extravaganza, and I am most happy to report that after visiting Shilin Night Market, the largest night market in Taipei, that……..NO CHILDREN WERE LOST IN THE PROCESSS.They are all safe and sound, filled with food in their bellies (some with the spoils of the evening from their attempts at haggling) and getting ready to head to bed.
We have an early day ahead, so until then, good night and sleep tight!
Hi TIS Teachers and Students, Just wonderful hearing about what your all doing in Taipei. Looks as though your having an awesome time, we are a little jealous and lonely back here in Macao but it's only 5 days I'm sure we'll survive. Hope tomorrow brings you an even better day! Special hello to James and a question…….have you bought me a present yet? Wishing you a heap of fun and learning of course! James' Mum (Melody Thurling)
Good Morning AllLove reading your blog and hearing all about your adventures. Great pictures !Enjoy the rest of your trip, see you all on Friday.Sam's Mum
To James Thurling,Hope you are having fun and have been up the observation deck of 101.I remember when I visited and got you the model, I am glad that you are now making the trip as it is a great experience.Looking forward to seeing you.Love, Grandad. x