Helllo faithful readers of the Harbin skiing blog,
If success is inversely correlated with the amount of injuries (which it is, as can be inferred from my previous entry), then we’ve had a very successful trip so far. No major accidents. Just a few bruises here and there, but hey, no beginners ever come out of a ski/snowboard trip without falling down the hill.
It seems as though the students are a lot more energetic than previously thought. We are into our third day of skiing now, and most of them are still looking forward to ANOTHER full day of skiing tomorrow.
It also seems that they are progressing very quickly
. Some of them were able to ski/board down from the very top of the mountain (albeit with a few wipeouts, of which i heard Mr Lee had the most but he probably would not admit it if you were to ask him), which I myself have not worked up the guts to do, even though i have been skiing since I was 9 (Call me a chicken if you must, I will not deny it. But i am resolved to do it before we leave).
Last night, we took a half hour bus ride to the nearby town (appropriately named Yabuli) and was dropped off at the fruit store (filled with mouldy oranges, not pleasant) and the supermarket (we probably generated enough income for them to last the next 6 months). Even though the food here is delicious, I think some students are craving instant noodles and chips (ah, young people and their fast metabolisms, which btw, is due to of a high level of T3 and T4 hormones being secreted from the thyroid gland. Sorry I had to throw in a bit of biology). The bus ride there was one of the most quiet bus rides I have ever been on. I think it would be safe to say that they were tired. Ask Gordon if you want to hear about a drooling incident.
Pictures are being uploaded slowly. Please bear with us as the internet connection here is not too fast.
So, this is it for now
. Tomorrow we are (again, for the third day) skiing from 9am-4pm. Then we are going to hop on a bus and drive back to Harbin. We will be staying in Harbin for the night, and then heading back to Guangzhou on Friday afternoon.
Oh, just one more thing. In case you have not noticed, students are writing messages to their parents. Some of them love their parents more than others so only some of them wrote entries (haha, joking). It is a continuous process so a few students will write a few entries everyday. But we will take requests from parents wanting to hear from their kids. 🙂
Goodbye for now. It is dangerously close to dinner time, and you know what they say about hungry people (what DO they say about hungry people?).
Seems like a lot of fun! I miss MC, and i am telling myself this is a sleepover X 5. Can MC send me a hello via blog?