To sum up our Sapa experience, we are tired and happy.
Hiking down steep, slippery, and muddy terrain until we reached our house on stilts, our group took a nap in preparation for some traditional games at the local school. Stick push and pull, skipping, walking on stilts, AND a mean game of soccer further tired us out, yet made our dip in the cool waters of a nearby waterfall soothing and well worth the wait.
The evening was topped off with a musical show (dancing, flute and drums). Our favourite by far was the bamboo dance – where we all found our rhythm and got our groove on.
This morning we helped the school build a roof. We lugged large pieces of tin and tiles for about 2 hours. We then had lunch, and much to the relief of our princesses – SHOPPING in Sapa.
We are looking forward to another night train into Hanoi.
See you Monday for bigger details of our adventures!
Thankfully none of us were kicked off of… Survivor… NAM!