School Trips

Many of the younger students (grades 3 & 4) have the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong for field trips while older students in grades 5 and 6 visit China for 3-5 days.

Experience Week

Grade 7-12 students participate in a variety of Experience Week trips. The grade 7s travel to Vietnam, while the Grade 8s explore Chiang Mai, Thailand. Students in Grade 9 enjoy a trip to Japan every year. High school students choose from many other international trips including an International Youth Leadership Conference.

In addition to the educational benefits of experience week, students obtain key insights into themselves and learn the importance of co-existing with others. Experience week encourages our students to reflect on the world and how they can make a difference.

Visit our Travel Blogs for info and updates about TIS around the world!

The main emphasis of these trips is personal challenge, cross-cultural awareness, and community service.