Here at TIS our students are fortunate to have access to some powerful digital tools for learning.
Digital technologies have been fully integrated into teaching and learning at TIS. Our secondary students participate in the “Think Digital” laptop program and they use their personal laptop to access course materials, create content and collaborate with others. Primary students have access to laptop carts and iPads so that they can utilize G-Suite apps (Docs, Slides, Drive and Sites) as well as apps such as iMovie and DoInk (Green screen technology). Teachers use interactive whiteboards, Google Classroom, Google Sites and online platforms such as Kahoot! and Quizlet (to name a few) to make learning more interactive and engaging for students.
Parents have access to a number of platforms that allow them to keep track of their child’s progress at school. Gibbon is our Student Information System and parents can use it to access academic results (grade 7-12) and register their child for teams and after-school activities (all grades). Parents can choose to receive weekly summaries from Google Classroom (grade 4-12) so that they can be aware of what is happening in their child’s classes. Seesaw (Kindergarten to grade 3) is a mobile app that allows parents to receive updates about what is happening in their child’s class.
With access to technology comes a level of responsibility so one of our goals is to help our students be socially responsible, digitally literate life-long learners. Being digitally literate means that our students will have the knowledge and ability to use technology competently and safely to connect and collaborate with others, to produce and share original content and to use the Internet and technology to achieve both academic and personal goals.
TIS has two technology coordinators dedicated exclusively to technology integration: Brian Avery (Elementary) and Mel Varga (Secondary).