It is that time of the year again!
The season of love, family and giving. While most of us are very fortunate to have all of these, it is a good time to also remember those who are less fortunate.
TISPA is collecting gifts to send to a number of local charities in Macau. This initiative has been a tremendous success in the past and has brought smiles to many children in need. This year we hope the TIS community will once again show its support for the Giving Tree by picking up a tag from the tree and buying a wrapped gift for a less fortunate child.
The tags are for children aged 2-17 years; gifts can be left under the Giving Tree up until Friday Dec 9th.
聖誕節含有愛,家庭和 關懷的 意義。 大多數的人都擁有這些, 有少數的人就沒那麼幸運。澳門國際學校的家長會目前接受聖誕禮物的捐贈, 之後轉送給各個澳門慈善機構。 往年, 這項活動非常成功, 帶給許多不幸的小孩歡樂。 今年也不例外。澳門國際學校的家長會希望大家繼續支持這項活動。 如果您希望送一個小孩禮物,請從位於學校大堂聖的誕樹上拿一張卡片,卡片上會指示送給幾歲的小孩。請您把包好的禮物在星期五, 12月9 日之前