David Spreadbury, Secondary Principal
During the week of March 24–28, TIS hosted the representatives from Alberta Education, Ms. Karen Slevinsky and Ms. Leah Dushenski, for our annual accreditation evaluation. There are several purposes for these annual evaluations. From Alberta’s perspective, the Minister of Education needs to know that we are meeting provincial requirements for delivery of programs. It also helps us to identify areas of strength and areas that may require additional attention.
All the stakeholders, parents, students, staff, and board members, were interviewed or asked to fill out satisfaction surveys and these results will be compiled by Alberta. The representatives also did classroom observations in order to get a good feel for what is happening in the school. It was an intense and busy week for everyone.
The final report will not be delivered until June, but Ms. Slevinsky and Ms. Dushenski did share some of their findings with us before they flew back to Alberta. They were very impressed with the school, the students and the TIS community. Results on the grade 12 diploma exams are excellent and preliminary indications from the surveys are that the satisfaction of all stakeholder groups is high. For us, it reaffirms the fact that TIS continues to deliver quality educational programs to our students.
You may have noticed Mr. Stribbell dressed as Sleeping Beauty yesterday. He had promised that if 100 parent surveys were completed, he would dress up, and thanks to your efforts, we did reach over 100. I would like to thank everyone who was able to participate and complete the on-line survey, those that were able to attend the TISPA meeting and meet the inspectors, and the entire TIS community for your continued support.