Welcome back! We hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday. Classes resume on Monday, January 4th; please leave some extra time to get to school as the new construction fencing erected over the break has resulted in major changes to parking and traffic flow on campus. Here are some of the changes you can expect:
- there will be no parking available on the basketball courts or on the road between TIS and MUST Stadium. Please park in the lot between the MUST Gymnasium and Hospital or in the parking spaces near the MUST Library.
- Kiss ‘N Ride will be located on the road between TIS and MUST Stadium (one-way only). A pedestrian walkway from the road to the Kiss ‘N Ride glass doors has been constructed for safe access to the school.
- Two additional gates have been installed by the artificial soccer turf which can be used to enter the TIS grounds.
TIS staff members in orange vests will be directing traffic during morning drop off and afternoon pick-up; please follow their directions at all times to ensure the safety of TIS students.