This morning’s drop-off near the green gate (opposite COD) was very chaotic (and dangerous) with many parents leaving vehicles unattended to accompany their young children across lanes of traffic to safety. This drop-off location is not suitable for students in PK-Gr. 3. Instead, please use the Kiss ‘N Ride lane located on the street between TIS and the MUST Track. It is far less congested in the mornings and parents get on their way much quicker. Parents can use the Kiss ‘N Ride lane even if their child is not enrolled in the program.
Another option for morning drop-off is to park on the MUST campus and walk your child to school. Parent parking is available in the lot between the MUST gymnasium and hospital, and also by the MUST library.
We ask for your continued cooperation as we all work together to make the TIS campus as safe as possible for our students.
今早在綠色閘門(COD對面入口處)的上、落車情況混亂且危險,許多家長將車輛停泊後,與子女在行車道下車回校。請注意,有關上、落車路段僅限小學四年級及以上學生使用,幼稚園至小學三年級學生應使用校園內的Kiss ‘N Ride車道。使用Kiss ‘N Ride車道可減少堵塞情況並使家長可盡快開車離開。即使沒有申請Kiss ‘N Ride服務的家長,亦可使用有關車道。