It was great to welcome back our secondary and middle school students on Tuesday and Wednesday and we look forward to seeing our elementary students on Thursday and Friday!
The rest of the week will be very busy on campus once all grade levels are back at school. Here are some important reminders for parents and students about morning drop-offs and parking:
Please drop off young students (Kindergarten-Gr. 3) inside the TIS campus using the Kiss ‘N Ride lane located on the street between TIS and the MUST Track. It is far less congested in the mornings and parents get on their way much quicker. Parents can use the Kiss ‘N Ride lane even if their child is not enrolled in the program.
Another option for morning drop-off is to park on the MUST campus and walk your child to school. Parent parking is available in the lot between the MUST gymnasium and hospital, and also by the MUST library.
Students in Gr. 4-12 may be dropped off at Kiss ‘N Ride or by the green gate (near the roundabout by COD). The gate will be open from 8:00-8:30 am and 3:00-3:30 pm Monday to Friday. Parents, please ensure that you pull your vehicle up to the furthest point along the curb and use the inner most lane to avoid students walking across multiple lanes of traffic. Vehicles cannot be left unattended in this area and parking is not permitted as this causes bottlenecks and congestion. We ask that you follow the instructions of the TIS staff members who will be on duty at all drop-off points.
If you have any questions about the morning drop-off procedure, please contact the main office at 2853 3700. Thank-you for your continued cooperation as we all work together to make the TIS campus as safe as possible for our students.
請讓三年級及以下學生在校門前的Kiss’ N Ride車道上、落車(即籃球場位置)。 使用有關車道可避免接送時遇上交通阻塞。沒有申請Kiss’ N Ride服務的家長及學生亦可使用該車道。
小學四年級至高中三年級的學生,則可使用COD員工入口對面的綠色閘門返校。該綠色閘門開放時間為週一至週五,早上 8:00至8:30以及下午3:00至3:30。使用該通道時,請家長將車輛儘量靠前停靠,並讓孩子使用人行道,以免構成危險及交通擠塞。請留意,為免造成擠阻塞,有關區域只能作上、落用途,不得停泊 。
若對早上接送程序有任何疑問,歡迎迎家長致電2853 3700查詢。感謝 閣下之合作,與本校一同為學生創造安全的校園環境