The TIS Walkathon is next week! Not only is this event a fun activity for elementary students, but it also raises funds to help offset the cost of field trips, special educational days and for guest speakers and artists to visit our school.
The walkathon will be held on Tuesday, October 18 at the MUST Track. The times are as follows:
PK, JK, SK: 9:15-9:50 a.m. on the MUST Track
Gr. 1-6: 10:30-11:30 a.m. on the MUST Track
In case of rain, the walkathon will be held on Tuesday, October 25. Parents of Kindergarten students can dress their children in the following colours:
PK – Blue
JK – Yellow
SK – Red
If you do not have any clothing in this colour, the regular PE uniform is fine. Gr. 1-3 students will wear their PE uniforms and Gr. 4-6 students will wear their house colour shirt and PE shorts. All students are required to bring a hat and water bottle on the day of the walkathon.
Students have already brought home a letter about the walkathon and a pledge/donation form. Pledges can come in the form of donations or a “per lap” basis (a donation is best for kindergarten students as they will not be doing laps).
We invite all parents to come out and cheer on their children the day of the event!