By now, parents will have already received an email with directions on how to upload your photos for the ID cards. Parents are being asked to upload photos of all individuals in the household (including relatives, helpers, drivers) who are authorized to drop off or pick up their children. The process is very straightforward and should only take a few minutes.
Photos should be “passport-style” like the example below:
Please note that parents do not have to upload photos of their children as the school already has these on file. Parents will be informed when their IDs are ready for pick up at the main office. ID cards can only be provided to those who have uploaded photos.
All individuals accessing the TIS campus will be required to have an ID card by April 10th (the Monday following Easter Break). For your convenience, IDs for the current school year (2016-17) and the following school year (2017-18) will be given out at the same time so that parents do not have to pick up an ID again in September. Visitors and parents who do not have IDs by April 10th will need to sign in at the guard station located at the entrance of the North Wing. A temporary Visitor Badge will be issued.
Please upload your photos at your earliest convenience. Thank-you for helping to make TIS a safe campus for all students.
請家長儘早完成上載相片程序。感謝 閣下的幫助,為澳門國際學校之學生提供更安全的上學環境。