After a couple weeks of unusually cold weather in Macau, the sun shone on us today for our House Team Walk-a-thon. This is the first year in TIS history where the whole school participated in the event.
The Elementary students set the pace with their “run-a-thon”, with many students lapping the track more than 10 times, that’s over 4km!!
Our youngest students were later accompanied to the track by their Secondary School buddies. They joined their House Teams and got the team spirit rolling by singing their rally chant before parading the track with their team.
A huge thank you to all the teachers and staff that worked together to make this such a successful event. Thank you to TISPA for providing us with oranges and bananas to replenish our students energy after all that exercise. Thank you to parents who came out to cheer us on. Special thanks to the House Team Committee for developing and implementing the House Team system which has produced much team spirit throughout the school community.
The money raised at the annual event helps to offset the cost of field trips, special educational days and for guest speakers and artists to visit our school.