The farewell assembly this morning was all about celebrating another great year at TIS, while also saying some sad good-byes. The grade 3-3 class delivered an insightful presentation about bullying and grade 1, 2 and 3 students, under the direction of Mrs. Stribbell, sang a wonderful rendition of the Carrie Underwood song, “See You Again”.
TIS staff who will be leaving at the end of this year were all presented with a gift basket by elementary students. Many thanks to Mr. Larson for putting together some wonderful videos as a send off to all of the teachers.
The most poignant moment of the assembly was the farewell to Elementary Principal Mr. Boisjoli, who after six years at TIS, will be leaving to go to South America. The grade four classes sang a beautiful song while a slide show of Mr. Boisjoli played on the screen. Afterward, Gr. 6 students Courtney Knowler and Matthew Tse paid tribute to Mr. Boisjoli with personal stories of his positive influence on them while students at TIS. We wish you all the best Mr. Boisjoli; you will be missed!