Donation From The Heart

Grade 5-2  recently donated MOP 3,500 to Caritas School in Coloane as part of a community service project.  MOP 2,000 was raised through a bake sale the students organized, while the remaining funds came from Division 2's  Rich Man, Poor Man Lunch held last month. Grade 5-2 visited Caritas School…

TIS Honour Roll

Congratulation to the TIS students who made the honour roll for the past reporting term. Your hard work paid off! To view the middle school honour roll, click here. To view the high school honour roll, click here.

SCISAC Basketball Tourny Starts on Thursday!

TIS is proud to host the SCISAC Middle School Basketball Tournament from May 8-11. We welcome all competitors, parents and coaches from Hong Kong Academy (HKA), Ivy Collegiate Academy (ICA), Leman International School of Chengdu (LIS), Xiamen International School (XIS) and Yew Cheung International School of Chongqing (YCIS). Games begin…

Grade 3-2 Students Donate Books to Cambodia School

In grade 3, the Social Studies program of studies focuses on Making a Difference in the World.  Collectively, the students in 3-2 were inspired to make a difference in the lives of the students at Grace House School in Cambodia.  They went to work creating informational posters and short presentations…

Secondary Summer School

Registration is now open for Secondary Summer School. Two-week long courses are being offered to help students further develop their knowledge and skills in the areas of Math & English. The following courses are available: Middle School Math, Math 10 Prep, English (all levels), SAT Prep and IELTS Prep. Secondary summer…

TIS Brings International Speakers to Macau for Symposium

Eleven distinguished speakers from around the world will be sharing their knowledge and expertise at a symposium on Inclusive Education, hosted by TIS on Saturday, May 3rd.  Entitled Academic Success in Inclusive Education: Advocating for the Right to Achieve, the symposium is an opportunity for the DSEJ, local schools, and…

Inuit Stories from Canada’s North

TIS students enjoyed some amazing stories about the traditional nomadic  life of Canada's Inuit people from children's author and acclaimed storyteller Michael Kusugak.

Developing Well-Rounded Students

Howard Stribbell, Head of School There is no doubt that when it comes to school, getting good grades is important. I am confident that every child and parent opens up the report card hoping to see that the student is meeting or exceeding the learning outcomes and achieving as high…

Time on Haida Gwaii Teaches More Than Just Forestry

By Michael Veith Sometimes everyday university life can get a bit boring and we need a change. With this mindset, Mandy Zheng (Class of 2010) decided to enroll in Haida Gwaii Semester, a UBC Faculty of Forestry program that’s described as a “natural classroom.” The program, which ran from January…

Canadian Storyteller To Visit TIS

TIS is excited to welome award winning Canadian children's author and acclaimed Inuit storyteller Michael Kusugak, who will be performing for Grades 1 through 9 on Wednesday and Friday of this week. There will be a limited number of books available for purchase just outside of the main office on…